Mama and Me

Doula Services

My Story
I’m based in North London
Having worked in childcare for over 25 years and looking after various children in the family and professionally I have always felt that I hadn’t quite found the exact fit for me. I love supporting parents with their childcare/parenting needs but have always felt supporting them from the beginning of their journey was what interested me the most .
My love of working with children has developed into a love and passion for working with parents and families too .... I have always loved hearing when a friend or family member was expecting and felt happy for them and the journey they were about to embark upon... whether it was child number 1, 2, or even number 4 each journey, pregnancy and birth were going to be different and I was always happy and excited to walk the journey with them
Over the years I have been the person who goes round to help the new parents, listening to them talk about their experience, helping by cooking or bringing a meal, watching baby while the parents shower, wash their hair, has a nap etc, it’s only recently I have realised that I have naturally been supporting friends and family in a post natal doula role.
I am passionate about helping families find their space and come into their own as they embrace their birthing and parenting journey

Mother, Childcare professional, Breastfeeding Consultant, Baby wearing Consultant, Educator, Author and Public speaker
About me
Outside of my work I like to spend my time with my son.
I enjoy reading and learning new skills to keep my hands busy
I enjoy travelling to new places at home and abroad
I love discovering new and interesting places to eat and new foods / recipes to cook
I don't drink coffee but love herbal teas
My passion is learning about herbs and traditional medicine
I prefer red wine to white
I love Borough Market and spending lazy days on the Southbank trying all the fresh fruit, veg and artisan food
I love roller skating, especially along the sea front watching the sun go down
My biggest weakness is handbags, I'm not a shoe or clothes person but boy do I love me a handbag.
My ideal day off would be a massage and a book then some quality time with friends and family enjoying good food and laughter
If any of this speaks to you or sounds like someone who you would love to share your birth and postnatal journey with, feel free to contact me